Selasa, 02 Juni 2015

Maniac in Rapture

She stands like a statue;
and sit mourning the sick
She flies in vain and vague;
For she catches no glares.

Too sane to join the sick;
in a pit of dementia,
For fame they fight and kill
and laugh in light and fright.

Bless the dead and the mad;
whose bounds are uncuffed.
Cry the merry and the marched,
for having to walk in line,
in a wide open laissez faire

Selasa, 14 April 2015

Emosi, Elemen Substansial INFP

Isabel Meyer-Briggs dan ibunya Katherine Briggs pada tahun 1962 menciptakan inventori kepribadian yang membagi kepribadian manusia ke dalam 16 tipe kepribadian. Setelah selidik sana-sini, aku (untuk kali ini) yakin kalau kepribadianku ialah INFP. It stands for Introversion, Intuition, Feeling and Perceiving. You see that word Feeling, buddy? Yap, INFP memiliki preferensi untuk memutuskan sesuatu berdasarkan perasaan, a.k.a mengikuti kata hati. Sebenarnya Feeling bukan berarti seseorang itu emosional dan nggak logis. Akan tetapi, ketika seseorang sering 'berbincang' dengan hatinya, maka disitulah seseorang menjumpai yang namanya emosi. Oleh karena itulah, seorang INFP akan akrab dengan emosi di dalam dirinya, baik itu sedih, marah, bahagia, campur aduk. akan tetapi pada kasusku, aku memang begitu terikat dengan emosi, dan terkadang hal itu menimbulkan dampak yang kurang menyenangkan.

Aku seorang yang memiliki mood swings. Terkadang moodku sering berganti-ganti, bahkan tanpa alasan yang jelas (atau karena terlalu banyak alasan jadi nggak bisa disortir). Aku bisa dari senang ke sedih dan sebaliknya,namun untung masih belum ekstrim sih, jadi belum dikategorikan manic or bipolar. Hal ini sih kadang bagus kalau lagi sedih bisa cepat hilang dan ceria lagi. Akan tetapi ketika sebaliknya, hmmm... my happiness always falls short. Tidak hanya rasa tidak enak di diri sendiri, tapi mood swings ini kadang ngaruh juga ke lingkaran sosial.

Aku mungkin bukan orang yang wearing my heart on my sleeve, emosiku lebih banyak berputar di dalam dibandingkan harus ditunjukkan di luar. However, once i don't feel right, i seldom can act as if i were alright. My nerves feel strained, so, ketika moodku lagi low dan ada orang yang menyapa, ngajak ngobrol, sering aku nggak bisa memaksa bibir paling tidak untuk tersenyum, Ini membuatku terkesan jutek dan berjarak di mata orang lain, i just can't act happy when i'm not. Mungkin karena terlalu terbalut dengan emosi inilah yang membuat orang-orang agak malas berurusan denganku :3

Karena tersambung langsung dengan perasaan, kadang-kadang aku otomatis menangkap sesuatu dengan terlebih dahulu disaring pake perasaan. Nggak jarang aku suka baper, walaupun nggak jelas-jelas amat sih, since i prefer to reserve reaction. Akhirnya muncul deh percikan-percikan emosi tak jelas dan campur aduk yang pastinya bakal ngganggu banget kehidupan sehari-hari yang menuntuT praktikalitas dan impersonalitas.

Intinya, sebagai seorang INFP, seperti ada kabel penyambung antara diri dengan pusat perasaan yang mampu menimbulkan berbagai emosi. If i couldn't manage it, sometimes it interferes my life, and it's something that very much disturb my activity, relationship, as well as my soul in general. Akan tetapi, emosi adalah ladang kreativitas. Dekat dengan emosi berarti kita tidak membatasi diri dengan dunia logika saja, namun something beyond it too. Maka dari itu nggak jarang seniman yang tipe kepribadiannya adalah INFP. I hope i can manage my world of emotions, and turn it into something beautiful :)

Minggu, 22 Maret 2015


Kalimat "Tidak ada anak yang tidak pintar" rupa-rupanya memang benar adanya. Setiap anak memiliki potensi masing-masing yang menunggu dikembangkan. Hanya saja, institusi formal yang biasa mewadahi anak-anak dalam belajar, sering kali hanya fokus pada kemampuan Matematika dan Bahasa para siswanya. Bagi teman-teman yang merasa kurang baik di bidang Matematika maupun Bahasa, jangan khawatir, bisa jadi teman-teman punya kecerdasan lain. Kecerdasan ternyata punya beberapa jenis.

Howard Garner dalam bukunya yang berjudul Frames of Mind: Teori Multiple Intelegences tahun 1983 mendefinisikan kecerdasan sebagai kemampuan untuk memecahkan suatu masalah suatu menciptakan suatu (produk) yang bernilai dalam suatu budaya. Pada mulanya Howard Gardner menyatakan ada tujuh jenis kecerdasan.
1.      Kecerdasan Bahasa atau linguistik:
Terdiri dari kemampuan untuk berfikir dalam kata-kata, dan meggunakan bahasa untuk mengungkapkan dan mengapresiasi makna yang komplek. Pekerjaan yang sesuai bidang ini: penulis, penyair, jurnalis, pembicara,penyiar warta berita dll.
2.       Kecerdasan Logika matematika:
Kemampuan untuk menghitung, mengukur, mempertimbangkan dalil atau rumus, hipotesis dan menyelesaikan operasi matematik yang kompleks. Ilmuan, ahli matematika, akuntan, ahli mesin dan programmer computer, semua menunjukkan kecerdasan matematik yang kuat.
3.       Kecerdasan Intrapersonal :
Merujuk pada kemampuan untuk membangun anggapan yang tepat pada seseorang dan untuk menggunakan sejenis pengetahuan dalam merencakan dan mengarahkan hidup seseorang. Beberapa orang yang menunjukkan kecerdasan ini adalah teolog, psikolog, filsuf.
4.       Kecerdasan interpersonal :
Kemampuan untuk memahami orang dan membina hubungan yang efektif dengan orang lain. Kecerdasan ini ditunjukkan oleh guru, para pekerja sosial, aktor, atau politisi.
5.       Kecerdasan Musik atau musikal:
Kepekaan terhadap titinada , melodi , irama dan nada.Orang yang menunjukan kecerdasan ini adalah komposer, dirigen , musisi, krtikus ,pengarang musik, bahkan pendengar musik.
6.      Kecerdasan Visual dan Kecerdasan Spasial :
Kemampuan untuk mengindera dunia secara akurat dan menciptakan kembali atau mengubah aspek-aspek dunia tersebut. Kecerdasan ini seperti yang tampak pada keahlian pelaut, pilot, pemahat, pelukis dan arsitek.
7.       Kecerdasan kinestetik:
Kemampuan untuk menggunakan tubuh dengan trampil dan memegang objek
dengan cakap. Kecerdasan ini ditunjukkan oleh para atlet, penari, ahli bedah, masyarakat pengrajin.

Kemudian sesuai dengan perkembangan penelitiannya, pada tahun 1990-an, Howard Gardner memasukkan kecerdasan yang ke delapan yaitu kecerdasan alamiah
(naturalis) diikuti dengan kecerdasan eksistensial.
8.       Kecerdasan Alam atau Kecerdasan Naturalis:
Kemampuan untuk mengenali
dan mengklasifikasi aneka spesies, tumbuhan atau flora dan hewan fauna , dalam lingkungan. Ahli Biologi, pecinta alam, penjelajah alam.dll.
9.      Kecerdasan Eksistensial
Kemampuan untuk menikmati pemikiran-pemikiran dan ingin tahu mengenai kehidupan , kematian dan realita yang ada.

Menurut Howard Gardner, semua orang unik dan semua orang memiliki caranya sendiri untuk memberikan kontribusinya bagi budaya dalam sebuah masyarakat. Dalam penelitiannya tentang kapasitas (kemampuan) manusia, ia menetapkan kriteria yang mana kriteria tersebut mengukur apakah bakat seseorang benar-benar merupakan kecerdasan.  Setiap kecerdasan pastinya memliki ciri-ciri perkembangan, dapat diamati bahkan dalam kasus khusus seperti sebuah kejadian ajaib pada penderita idiot atau autis savant, mereka semua membuktikan adanya pemusatan pada otak dan menciptakan sebuah rangkaian simbol dan notasi. Howard Gardner menyatakan bahwa setiap orang memiliki semua komponen (spectrum) kecerdasan, memiliki sejumlah
kecerdasan yang tergabung yang kemudian secara personal menggunakannya dalam cara yang khusus. Howard Gardner telah memecahkan teori tradisional tentang kecerdasan yang telah melekat menjadi dua keyakinan dasar masyarakat, bahwa kemampuan seseorang adalah sebuah kesatuan dan bahwa semua individu cukup
digambarkan dengan sebuah kecerdasan tunggal yang dapat diukur. Howard Gardner menilai teori ini berfokus secara berlebihan pada kecerdasan linguistik dan matematik sehingga menghambat pentingnya mengetahui tentang bentuk kecerdasan yang lain. Banyak siswa yang gagal menunjukkan prestasi akademiknya dikategorikan dalam penghargaan yang rendah atau low esteem dan kemampuan mereka (yang sebenarnya) menjadi tidak terlihat/muncul/terjadi dan hilang dari sekolah dan bahkan dari masyarakat
secara luas.

Bagi yang ingin mencari tahu jenis kecerdasan mana yang paling menonjol, bisa tes di sini, atau bagi teman-teman yang ingin hasil tesnya dijadikan badge dan ditunjukkan ke teman-teman lain, bisa coba di

Demikian artikel tentang kecerdasan majemuk, semoga bisa membantu teman-teman untuk lebih memahami dan mengembangkan diri :)


 Once published as a requirement for Creative Writing class

Everyone was gathering on the cliffs to see the sun which was about to set below the horizon. The calm sea reflected the last bits of sun rays; it was like a dancing arm on the water. Everything looked like a painting in orange shade.
A timid girl was drowned in the crowd, trying her best to distinguish herself so she could get a great view. Suddenly, she got pushed, making her almost fall. She was about to burst in anger, but when she looked up and saw the suspect was a little girl with crippled leg, she just gave in. She walked down the cliff, to the sandy beach where everyone were gathering and partying gaily, but she wasn’t.
She had planned to spare a day for quiet holiday and get away for a while from her stuck-maker college assignments as well as being able to see the sunset. However, it turned out to be least than she expected. She sat down on a dead palm wood, alone and strikingly distinguished from the partygoers. There were couple making out and laughing with their friends as she observed the beach. Beautiful girls enjoyed the attention they got from the boys, who were also looked handsome in a preppy way. They looked very happy, and buoyant, and she wonder why there can be at least a person who has everything, good looks and purse and still blessed with happiness while there were also people who need to struggle just to put a genuinely happy smile. Perhaps that’s what called as life justice, or love. She never thought about it, though she had to admit the guilty pleasure when she imagined what life might be when there was someone who can love her. Her eyes stopped wandering when she suddenly felt like someone was watching her, she turned her back, but no one was watching, there was just a guy sat alone with his head down “What’s he doing?” she wondered. She ignored him and she focused her eyes to the sky as the crowd began cheering for the sunset.
The twilight wind felt so refreshing and the remnant of sun rays glittered in her eyes. For a moment, she forgot all of her heaviness. She laughed and closed her eyes, to feel the wind and opened them again just to say goodbye to the sun. She was mesmerized by the beauty.
The girl got up and started her way back to the hotel. When she just walked a few steps, a little girl with crippled legs, whom she encountered on the cliff, came to her.
“Hi, my name is Sofia. I’m sorry for pushing you last time. I didn’t mean it. And I appreciate you for letting me forward, I know you should have been very angry” she said. The girl smiled and hold the crippled girl’ arm. “Hi Sofia. That’s okay, no need to thank me. Besides, I still could see the sunset clearly down here. By the way my name is Raven”
“Hi Raven. Look, the boy sitting on the stone is my brother Dimitri. He is handsome, isn’t he?” Sofia pointed her finger, to a boy whom Raven had seen before. He was the loner boy, like her, distinguished from the crowd. Looking at him, she admitted to herself he was pretty much the dreamiest guy she had ever seen. There was something sophisticated and miraculous aura in him, an aura whose soul emerged with the nature, she thought.
“He’s very handsome indeed. You must be very lucky to have a brother who is as beautiful as you are” Raven said and smiling, but Sofia didn’t. Instead, she stared down, a tear rolled down her cheek.
“However, I’m not lucky enough to have him forever” she sobbed. Raven hugged her, feeling her pain, though she wasn’t clear what made Sofia sad about her brother, but it must be something dreadful.
“H…he may die soon. That’s what the doctor said” Sofia continued.
“And you should just be happy around him. That’s what he need” Raven said. Sofia looked up. “You are right. I came from an ill family. You can just look at my leg and understand. My mother died five years ago because of the same illness my brother has. Before she died, Dimitri told me the same thing you said. Come; meet him, he must be very happy to find his kindred spirit”
Sofia grabbed Raven’s hand and together they approached Sofia’s brother. When he saw her sister, he smiled. Sofia introduced Raven to him. As Raven stared at him, she felt his deep eyes penetrated hers. The stared at each other rather too long than any normal strangers would do. Nervously, Raven sat beside him and greeted him. They talked about the normal and nothing personal introductory things.
Later, a man, apparently a butler, approached them and asked Sofia to come with him.
“Miss, Master is afraid if you are getting tired now. He is waiting you now. Come with me”
Sofia rolled her eyes and smiled to Raven. She said goodbye and climbed the butler’s arm.
“Young master, you should come in too, Master is very concerned about you” the butler said. Surprisingly for Raven, Dimitri said no. “I still want to be here” he said. The butler nodded his head and went away with Sofia in his arm.
“You should show your sketch to her, Dimitri” shouted Sofia. Dimitri just smiled
“So, my sister must have told you how I’m dying from heart cancer now, and you come here to pity me, right?” Dimitri laughed bitterly.
“No, I didn’t mean to pity you. You have a beautiful sister, a caring family who is rich enough to hire a butler, what should I pity from you? Besides, death is not something to be afraid of, but the grief of the loved ones upon the loss is. You may think I’m a heartless preacher, but that’s what I believe” Raven said, her eyes looked far away. Dimitri, looked a little surprised, gazed at her in silent admiration.
“And that’s what I believe too. That’s why I never said much to Sofia again. You can tell how sullen I look, not that I need great effort to do it, but the problem is, I was awakened by something so alive” Dimitri looked at Raven’ eyes.
“I’m in love, and I didn’t know why I should and how it could happen” Dimitri continued and then he laughed bitterly again. Raven was surprised that Dimitri would tell such thing to a stranger like herself. And what’s more strange was she felt somewhat sad his heart was already occupied. She thought it was stupid of her, “He just a stranger, Raven” she kept chanting it in her head.
“You should embrace it. Embrace the love” Raven said.
“But, it will only making me harder to leave this world. So, I had promised Sofia that I will draw the most beautiful creature that has moved my heart. To give her know that she has someone that I psychically think will be my replacement, and the only stranger that filled my heart with love’’ Dimitri rambled.
“Is it in your sketchpad?” Raven asked as she glanced at the sketchpad which was a size of scrapbook.
“Yes, my sketchpad is my dear friend. I portrayed every significant moments in it as best as I could”
She was so curious to see the content of the sketchpad but she knew it will cross the line. They sat in silence, enjoying the upcoming night as the sky grew darker and many lamps were just turned on.
“I think I should leave” Raven said.
“Or we should” Dimitri got up and offered his hand to help Raven get up. Raven held it as she balanced herself. She felt something electrical yet comfortable pulsation when she held his hand. Together they walked to the hotel and parted in the three quarter way since they stayed in the different hotel.
“Raven, if I still have tomorrow to live on, are you willing to meet me again?”
“Of course, with all my heart” They smiled to each other and made their way back to their hotels.
However, Raven had not got the chance to meet him again. The next day when she was anxiously waiting for Dimitri at the beach, she saw Sofia and the butler. Sofia, her big eyes were red and her cheeks were wet, while the butler’s face looked very grave. Raven knew what had happen, and it crushed her heart to know Sofia will confirm it.
Sofia hugged Raven and cried heartily. Raven’s heart felt very heavy and unstoppable tears kept running down from her eyes. “It couldn’t be, it wouldn’t be…” she thought. Dimitri had left them forever.
Raven attended Dimitri’ funeral, and strangely, his family welcomed her warmly, though she just a stranger whom Dimitri just knew for a day. She had realized she had met a kindred spirit she could had made a bond with, yet she lost him so quickly. She still wondered about his love interest, but no one gave any signal about her.
After the funeral, Sofia came up to Raven, and she was holding Dimitri’ sketchpad. Sofia hugged her and gave her the sketchpad.
“This is so magical, but for Dimitri, it’s a no wonder. He was always a deep person, and you should see who is his last love, a very unbelievable, yet very beautiful. This is the most amazing thing I have ever seen”
Sofia said her farewell and left Raven. Raven stared at the sketchpad. Somehow she felt she didn’t deserve to see it as she was nobody to him. She opened it. The first few pages were beautiful portraits of Sofia, his family, the wonderful sea and the sunset. When she opened the last page, her heart stopped for a second.
A warm feeling mixed with bitter grief rushed through Raven’s heart. The picture was Raven sitting on the dead palm tree, she was smiling. The wind blew her hair and the sun rays illuminated her. She looked radiant, and for the first time, she was seeing her genuinely happy face. The feeling of being watched, it came from Dimitri, who had noticed and watched her all along. The only soul recognized hers.
She cried in silence. She held the sketchpad tight in her chest, savored the wonderful feeling Dimitri had bequeathed. She looked up the sky and said;

“We will meet again someday, Dimitri”

Sabtu, 21 Maret 2015

Aku si Anak Cupu Ndeso Nggak Gaul!

Kalau kalian pernah nonton sinetron, ftv, drama, etc, pasti sering ada yang nyeritain tentang cowok kece yang jatuh cinta sama cewek cupu/ndeso. However, it is just a fiction! Di dunia nyata, cewek-cewek polos itu kurang ada tempat di panggung percintaan (ceileh). Adanya, mereka bikin ilfeel cowok dengan kepolosan dan ketidakgaulan mereka. Atau cerita tentang anak polos yang dikagumi banyak orang karena kebaikannya, it is such a bull, my fellas. Kenapa? Gak percaya? Kalau nggak percaya, udah ada buktinya kok. Buktinya adalah aku. Aku, si cewek cupu ndeso nggak gaul yang udah ngalamin beberapa disadvantages karena nggak ngikutin jalan yang umum. Jalannya anak gaul!

I'm beyond the phase nungguin pangeran untuk menyelamatkan aku dari kehidupan yang menurut orang lain itu suram, ataupun tengah ngoyo menghilangkan status cupu ndeso nggak gaul dari diri aku. Kalau di film kan pake adegan mengkhianati teman lama yang sesama cupu demi gabung sama anak populer.
Sekali lagi, kenapa? Karena kehidupan anak gaul doesn't suit me. Bagiku, nggak ada yang bisa aku dapatkan seandainya aku jadi anak gaul kecuali di beri label anak gaul. Jadi anak gaul nggak bikin aku masuk surga.

Aku nggak mau munafik, kadangkala, ada waktu ketika aku ngerasa minder, ngerasa kalau aku ini kecil banget kayak semut dibandingkan orang lain. Tapi, life is only once, bro sis! Aku nggak mau menghabiskannya untuk hal-hal yang nggak bikin aku nyaman. Emang, menjalani kehidupan 'gaul' iti enak. Banyak kenalan, banyak wawasan tentang pergaulan, tahu banyak tempat nongkrong, kesempatan dapat pasangan meningkat, dan tentunya nggak direndahin sebagai anak cupu. Tapi itu cuma di permukaan, underneath that is nothing!

Untuk seseorang yang butuh recover minimal 3 hari untuk sebuah event yang paling lama juga cuma sehari, gaul things bakal menguras energi banget. Nongkrong sana lah nongkrong sini, kenapa nggak nongkrong di toilet aja, lebih ada gunanya, lumayan sistem pencernaan kita jadi enakan, ya nggak? Terus, anak gaul harus up to date, padahal apa yang baru tuh nggak mesti bagus dalam segi kualitas. Kenapa aku harus ndengerin yang nyeritain seberapa gede pantat penyanyinya kalau masih ada lagu jadul yang liriknya lebih berkualitas dan artistik? Kenapa aku harus nonton setiap film yang baru di rilis kalau aku bisa ngambil pelajaran hidup dari buku, al-quran dan observasi sehari-hari? Kenapa aku harus punya semua akun sosmed kalau aku masih bisa ngomong langsung dengan orang-orang? Kenapa aku harus beli baju paling mahal kalau ada baju lain yang lebih bisa mengangkat derajat kita?

Anak gaul bilang seleraku nggak bermutu. Emang yang bermutu itu yang kayak apa sih? Yang mahal? Yang mainstream? Kalau mutu dilihat dari segi manfaat, yakin tuntutan jadi anak gaul itu sama dengan tuntutan menjadi manusia berkualitas.

Aku nggak bashing orang-orang yang memilih jadi gaul. Tapi aku kurang suka dengan tingkat kegaulan sebagai parameter kualitas seorang individu. Pada akhirnya, bagaimana kita belajar jadi manusia yang sepenuhnya bisa memanfaatkan pemberian Tuhan, memberikan kontribusi kepada dunia sebagai seorang khalifah bumi, sound better to me than just following the crowds.

Sabtu, 25 Oktober 2014

The "I Hate The World" Tendency

So i've been thinking about this lately and i come up with a humble opinion about the matter. I notice, some people are really into "I Hate The World" vengeance, sure thing our world is not supposed to be a playground for kindergarteners, instead, it's more like a warfield for soldiers. So, if you hate the world, grow up, change the simple-mindedness of undeveloped kid. There are so many things we can do in this world, too many precious thing to appreciate, why focus on the bad side? And more importantly, what contribution that you will contribute by vomiting venom and doing nothing but doomed yourself in hatred. I doubt hatred gives you nice feeling unless you are a chronic psychopath (really, i dont even know such phrase exists, lol). Why torturing your feeling with it? I don't know if it's true or right to the case, but somehow, the person who is in "I Hate The World" tendency haven't seen enough glimpse of the real world, they may get that from the influence of hypothetical theory that its clarity is still doubted. Moreover, it can be a tool to shift their helplesness or it has something to do with self-esteem. People who have very low self esteem may want to find a justification of the injustice they feel about themselves, like, "I'm ugly, it's because the world said so, that's why i hate the world" when in reality, the core problem is the inside of the person, the world cobtributes little to their very self-esteem, instead, the core problem is inside them, the hopelessness arised because they are actually too care about what would the world see them like, when the reality does not conform their ideal, they feel it somehow betrayed them.

As i stated before, the world is not a playground, stop playing around and waste your energy with draining emotion. Look at yourself, reflect, improve and smile!

Sabtu, 04 Oktober 2014

The Hidden Of The Obvious. A Poem By Me

Here the fence of a tangled intangible
Not a word speaks only a gloomer
There outside, charming blossom flowers
Bloom brightly, dance swaying in a rapture
Who wouldn't want to smell them?

The gloomer smile, the flower cry
The gloomer walks a step ahead
The flowers sing like a dead
I love you said Gloomer
Why would you said Flowers
Not a hint or a feel, though it's real
Will the gloomer blooms?

There the flowers swaying in joy
The fence is smacking itself in gore
There when the wind blows
The flood of sweet fragrant of blossomed love
Not an eyes see but a true heart glow.